Robert Jenrick MP
We’ve fact checked Robert Jenrick eight times. We’ve asked him to correct the record twice. Join others in his constituency of Newark to ask him to stand up for honesty in public life.
Your trust should be earned. Any MP making serious claims in public debate should be prepared to get their facts right, back up what they say with evidence and correct their mistakes.
When politicians fall short, we can demand better. Join us and take action for higher standards in public life now.
We’ve fact checked Robert Jenrick eight times
Full Fact scrutinises claims made by politicians on all sides of political debate. We prioritise claims that have the potential to cause most harm.
Our team isn’t able to monitor and fact check all claims made by every politician, so this list isn’t exhaustive. It isn’t accurate to use these examples to draw comparisons about the overall behaviour of individual MPs or political parties.
Estimate of £400,000 cost per asylum seeker based on the Netherlands, not the UK
“Yesterday, 703 people came to the UK illegally. Studies show each costs the taxpayer roughly £400,000 over their lifetime.
“So the cost of not having a border for one day was £281 million.”
Robert Jenrick, 14 August 2024
Is the asylum backlog ‘falling rapidly’?
the backlog in asylum cases is now falling rapidly
Robert Jenrick, 22 October 2023
Conservative estimate that UK would take 100,000 migrants a year under Labour plan is not reliable
Britain will be forced to take more than 100,000 illegal migrants from the safety of Europe each year
Robert Jenrick, 14 September 2023
We’ve asked Robert Jenrick to correct the record twice
It’s important that those making claims in public life correct their mistakes. We follow up on our fact checks to ask politicians and media organisations to issue corrections when they get things wrong.
We have been in touch with Robert Jenrick about two of his claims. He has yet to correct the record.
Robert Jenrick made claims that need clarification about refugees in Scotland on 27 June 2023
Robert Jenrick made an unevidenced claim about the percentage of migrants who say they are under 18 on 7 November 2022
Together we can demand higher standards in public life
A new government is a new opportunity to improve the quality of public debate and restore trust in politics.
People in Newark believe Robert Jenrick must stand up for honesty
We are calling on the new government to prioritise this issue.
Watch: Full Fact’s priorities for government