General Election update: four weeks out

12 May 2017 | Phoebe Arnold

This is it. We're ready to go but there's still lots to do. 

Labour's draft manifesto has been all over the news and our factchecking team are scrutinising the document as we write (although they're currently taking a short break to factcheck last night's BBC Question Time).

This is the moment we've been working hard to prepare for, bringing in more team members to do research into the big election issues, and working with expert partners so we have all the facts to hand.

Here's what we've been doing so far and what's coming up next:

Honesty in public debate matters

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Solid research preparation

Since the day the election was announced, we've been working flat out along with our expert partners in immigration, the NHS, the economy and Brexit on solid research preparation which we'll use for factchecks, explainers, videos and live factchecking materials over the next four weeks.

Getting ready to scrutinise the manifestos

The parties are expected to reveal their manifestos next week. We're ready to scrutinise them as soon as the official manifestos are released.

Joint adverts with Facebook in national newspapers

You might have spotted our joint adverts with Facebook running in national newspapers across the country giving tips on how to spot false news. We've already launched the Full Fact Toolkit and will be doing more educational work on news literacy in the run up to the General Election and beyond.

Election videos and Facebook live Q&A sessions with experts

We're putting our heads together with the media and our expert partners to produce a series of election videos and live Facebook Q&A sessions where we and our expert partners can answer your questions. More on this soon.

We still need your support!

To do all this, factcheck the UK General Election and more, we still need your support.

We now have over 1,000 supporters for our crowdfunder. Every donation helps us reach more people and scrutinise more claims - pledge now.

With your help, we'll head into the general election in the next few weeks with the resources to continue checking the facts and make sure that we have an equal election.

Thanks for your support from all the team. 

Full Fact fights bad information

Bad information ruins lives. It promotes hate, damages people’s health, and hurts democracy. You deserve better.