Full Fact appear on the Partly Political Broadcast podcast

10 May 2017 | Full Fact Team

We chatted with Tiernan Douieb about the upcoming factcheck frenzy before the election as part of his Partly Political Broadcast podcast, available here.

Joseph O'Leary, one of our most experienced factcheckers, said that Full Fact gives you the ability to place informed trust—an appealing promise in a time when trust and information, never mind political, don’t seem to go hand in hand.

Mevan Babakar, who heads up all things digital, talked about our exciting new project to automate some aspects of factchecking. Soon we'll be able to use our database of hundreds of factchecks, drawing on seven years of work, and automatically spot claims we've already checked, but in new places. This will help target our factchecking and corrections work. 

But for all the hundreds of claims in our bank of facts, there are many more that will be made over the next few weeks.

Now, more than ever, we need all hands on deck. We want to factcheck TV debates, leaflets, flyers, videos, and interviews. We want to work with journalists, create briefings, live factcheck debates and interviews, and build our automated system.

This is our most ambitious project to date, and to make it happen, we need your help.

Please pledge what you can here.

Full Fact fights bad information

Bad information ruins lives. It promotes hate, damages people’s health, and hurts democracy. You deserve better.