Suella Braverman MP
We’ve fact checked Suella Braverman nine times. We’ve asked her to correct the record four times. Join others in her constituency of Fareham and Waterlooville to ask her to stand up for honesty in public life.
Your trust should be earned. Any MP making serious claims in public debate should be prepared to get their facts right, back up what they say with evidence and correct their mistakes.
When politicians fall short, we can demand better. Join us and take action for higher standards in public life now.
We’ve fact checked Suella Braverman nine times
Full Fact scrutinises claims made by politicians on all sides of political debate. We prioritise claims that have the potential to cause most harm.
Our team isn’t able to monitor and fact check all claims made by every politician, so this list isn’t exhaustive. It isn’t accurate to use these examples to draw comparisons about the overall behaviour of individual MPs or political parties.
The total asylum initial decision backlog has increased since December
The asylum initial decision backlog is down by 17,000 and we are on track to abolish all legacy cases by the end of this year
Suella Braverman, 5 June 2023
Government claims on police officer numbers don’t tell the whole story
“By meeting this remit there are now around 150,000 police officers in England and Wales. That is more than ever before in the history of policing.”
Suella Braverman, 26 April 2023
You can’t apply for asylum in the UK through the UNHCR
If you are someone who is fleeing Sudan for humanitarian reasons there are various mechanisms you can use. The UNHCR is present in the region and they are the right mechanism by which people should apply if they do want to seek asylum in the United Kingdom
Suella Braverman, 26 April 2023
We’ve asked Suella Braverman to correct the record four times
It’s important that those making claims in public life correct their mistakes. We follow up on our fact checks to ask politicians and media organisations to issue corrections when they get things wrong.
We have been in touch with Suella Braverman about four of her claims. She has yet to correct the record.
Suella Braverman made a misleading claim about the asylum initial decision backlog on 5 June 2023
Suella Braverman made a misleading claim that those fleeing Sudan who wished to seek asylum in the UK should apply through the UNHCR on 26 April 2023
Together we can demand higher standards in public life
A new government is a new opportunity to improve the quality of public debate and restore trust in politics.
People in Fareham and Waterlooville believe Suella Braverman must stand up for honesty
We are calling on the new government to prioritise this issue.
Watch: Full Fact’s priorities for government