Full Fact fights bad information

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Full Fact fights bad information

Bad information ruins lives. It promotes hate, damages people’s health, and hurts democracy. You deserve better.

Recent fact checks

Posts on social media have incorrectly claimed the government is investing £280 million of taxpayers’ money to fund an NHS weight loss injection trial.

But this misinterprets an announcement made by health secretary Wes Streeting. The trial will be funded entirely by a pharmaceutical company.

Weight loss drug

In recent months, Labour politicians have claimed repeatedly that the government inherited an unexpected £22 billion “black hole” in the public finances from the Conservatives.

A Treasury audit has forecast a £22bn overspend in departmental day-to-day spending this year, but the extent to which this was unexpected or inherited is disputed.

Budget 2024

An image of a plane landing near an explosion is circulating online with claims it shows a photo of recents scenes from Beirut Airport in Lebanon.

But this is not a real photo. The source of the image confirmed it was created using artificial intelligence.

AI image