The government's EU leaflet, factchecked (on air)

9 May 2016 | Amy Hawkins

It has been a busy few days at Full Fact. Since the government sent out a booklet to every household in the country, outlining the reasons why it believes we should remain in the EU, we have been hard at work factchecking the 14 claims it makes.

We launched our factchecks this morning - you can read them here. But here at Full Fact we know that it’s not just checking facts that matters - it’s getting them out to the widest possible audience too. That’s why we’ve gone straight onto the airwaves to explain our factchecks, and talk about the facts behind the Leave and Remain campaigns in general.

This afternoon we were on Share Radio, Britain’s national money and business radio station. Our Director Will was on Juliette Foster’s Global News Perspectives show at lunchtime, talking about factchecking the Leave, Remain, and government campaigns in the EU referendum.

You can listen to the clip of Will on the show here, or in the player below.

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