Full Fact complains to PCC over nursing jobs error

30 May 2012

Earlier this month the Times and the i newspapers both incorrectly reported the number of nurses supposedly at risk of being cut from the NHS. The i's coverage was the most prominent:

Full Fact investigated the figures from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and found that 5,700 - not 26,000 - nursing losses had been estimated by the RCN. In addition, 35,000 - not 61,000 - more were "at risk", and this referred to all NHS staff, not just nurses.

Full Fact contacted both newspapers asking for corrections to be printed - in the i's case on the front page. However, neither appear to have done so. This contrasts with the attitude of the Metro, who promptly corrected their own error on the subject both in print and online.

The longer the newspapers delay corrections, the harder it becomes to correct the damage done by misinforming readers. Likewise, visitors to the Times' website continue to be presented with the inaccurate figure.

Failing further feedback from the Times and the i, Full Fact intends to take the matter to the Press Complaints Commission (PCC) in order to secure these important corrections. We will keep you informed of our progress.


The Independent have confrmed to Full Fact that they are dealing with our request, and did not receive the initial request Full Fact submitted a fortnight ago. We are pleased that the newspaper is acting on the issue promptly after being made aware of the problem and will keep readers informed of developments.

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