Some images of Union Flags burning have been edited

3 September 2019
What was claimed

Remain supporters burnt Union Flags.

Our verdict

At least one image of a Union Flag burning was faked.

A post on Facebook claims that Remain supporters burnt Union Jack flags at a protest, showing two images of these supposed events. 

However, one widely-shared image of a flag burning is fake; a photo from protests in March 2019 has been edited to add the burning flag. The original image of the burning flag comes from a video of protest in Argentina regarding the Falklands.

Another instance of flag burning does appear to have taken place; a video showing a souvenir flag being burned, allegedly during this weekend’s protests against the prorogation of Parliament, was shared by Mail Online. However, it’s unclear from the video exactly when it was taken or what cause they’re trying to support or oppose. The video is 14 seconds long, and there are no other protesters visible in the shot.

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