A video does not show anti-Rothschild protests

23 September 2021
What was claimed

A video shows protests at the Rothschild Castle, Switzerland.

Our verdict

Incorrect. It shows protests outside the federal parliament building in Bern.

A video of a protest with a false caption has been viewed on Facebook more than 150,000 times.

The video shows protestors being hit by a water cannon outside the federal parliament building in Bern, Switzerland, on 16 September. But a caption with the video wrongly says: “Rothschilds Castle in Switzerland.  …”

The Swiss building sometimes known as the “Rothschild Castle” is the Château de Pregny near Geneva. This has been a Rothschild family home for generations. The Rothschild family are a common subject of conspiracy theories, which we’ve written about before.

The demonstrations in the video were against Switzerland’s Covid-19 certificate rules.

Other fact checkers have also written about this video.

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