Picture does not show Sadiq Khan faked receiving flu jab

6 October 2023
What was claimed

A photograph shows that Sadiq Khan faked receiving a flu jab, as the safety cap is still on the needle.

Our verdict

The image, dating from 2020, was taken prior to the injection being administered which is why the safety cap is still in place.

A post on Facebook misleadingly claims that a photograph of the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan shows he has lied about receiving a flu vaccination, as the protective cap is still on the needle. 

The post accuses Mr Khan of “lying for a few years now” and adds: “look at the protective cover on the needle.” It is accompanied by a photograph of Mr Khan sitting while a healthcare worker holding a capped needle adjusts the shirt sleeve of his left arm. 

The image was originally shared by Mr Khan himself on X (formerly Twitter) in September 2020 to encourage Londoners to get vaccinated ahead of flu season. 

We wrote about similar claims linked to the image at the time. and a spokesperson for the Mayor’s office confirmed Mr Khan had received the vaccine and told us that the photograph had been taken shortly before the injection was administered and this is why the cap was still on the needle. 

Misleading images and videos are some of the most common kinds of misinformation found online, such content can spread quickly. We have previously fact checked other examples of misleading images, including photographs that have been edited to add fake price tags, staged content purported to be genuine, and old photographs claimed to show recent events.

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