‘Hezbollah attacking Israel’ video compilation includes clips from Indonesia and Algeria

25 September 2024
What was claimed

A video compilation shows attacks by Hezbollah on Israel.

Our verdict

This isn’t the case. The video compilation includes two clips which are from unconnected events in Algeria and Indonesia.

A video which is claimed to show attacks by Hezbollah on Israel includes unrelated clips from Indonesia and Algeria.

The footage has been shared on X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook, often with the caption: “Hezbollah turned Israel to Isra-Hell.”

It is a compilation of four different clips; in the first, red lights can be seen filling the sky above a road, in the second a large fire is being filmed from above. The third clip also shows a fire across a landscape at night, while the last clip shows buildings on fire and people nearby. 

But Full Fact has confirmed that at least two of these clips—the first and second—are not connected to the current conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. 

Some of the versions of the video also appear to contain different audio of screaming and sirens.

The opening two seconds, which have been mirrored horizontally, are from a video mostly likely filmed in Algeria during celebrations for one of the country’s football teams. A version of the video was posted on YouTube on 9 August, with a caption in Arabic (translated to English) which says: “Celebrations of the fans of Mouloudia d'Alger on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the dean.”

Police officers wearing uniforms of a branch of the Algerian police can be seen in the bottom left-hand corner of this longer video.

Mouloudia Club d'Alger is a football club based in the capital, Algiers. Other videos also show extensive fireworks being set off in the country to mark the anniversary of the club.

The second clip of a large fire [from 00:03, and again at 00:49] was not filmed in Israel or Lebanon and is also unrelated to conflict in the Middle East.

The video—which has also been mirrored horizontally—actually depicts a fire which broke out in a market in Indonesia on 22 August. The fire destroyed hundreds of stalls according to local media reports.

We haven’t been able to verify the source of the two other clips used in the video compilation. But while Hezbollah has been firing into Israel in recent days and Israel has launched airstrikes at Lebanon, footage of the damage caused by these strikes does not match that of the other two clips of a large scale fire, and burning buildings.

Misleading images and videos are a common form of misinformation we see circulating online connected to the Israel-Gaza conflict, and wider conflict in the Middle East.

We have created a guide with advice about how to verify the videos you are seeing on social media show what they claim to.

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