Video of building being blown up is not Gaza parliament

21 November 2023
What was claimed

A video shows the Palestinian parliament building in Gaza being blown up.

Our verdict

The video does not show the Palestinian Legislative Council building in Gaza, but a different building. That said, the Palestinian Legislative Council building has since been at least partially destroyed according to satellite images.

Posts on social media have claimed a video shows a Palestinian parliament building in Gaza being blown up.

But the building in the video is not the Palestinian Legislative Council building in the Gaza Strip. 

A Twitter user first identified on Google Maps the likely location of the video, which is not that of the Palestinian Legislative Council building in Gaza. We were not able to verify what the building being blown up in the video is but it’s over four miles away from the Palestinian Legislative Council building.

The two buildings look nothing alike.

Since the video first went viral, the New York Times used satellite images to report that the actual Palestinian Legislative Council building was partly destroyed on Tuesday 14 or Wednesday 15 November, after Israeli forces took control of it.

Full Fact has checked many false or misleading posts relating to recent events in Israel and Gaza, including many misleading images and videos. You can read our guide on how to fact check misleading videos relating to the conflict and find more of our work countering misinformation on the subject here

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