Fake list of UN’s ‘Agenda 2030 Mission Goals’ circulates on Facebook

28 September 2024
What was claimed

The UN’s Agenda 2030 Mission Goals include plans for “one world government”, world depopulation and the end of the “family unit”.

Our verdict

This is not true—this is not a genuine list of UN proposals.

A post circulating on Facebook claims to show the United Nations (UN) “Agenda 2030 Mission Goals” which include “one world government”, “world depopulation and fertility control” and “mandatory multiple vaccines yearly”, amongst other things. 

The list, which in many examples of the post resembles a newspaper advertisement, features 25 UN “goals” in total. Others include “one world army”, “one world cashless currency”, the end of the “family unit” and “humans concentrated into 15 minute zones”. 

But this is not a genuine list of UN policies. No such list of goals appears on its website, and a spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General told Full Fact “it’s all untrue” and that the UN is “not creating a world army, nor is it pushing for the end of the family unit, etc…”

The UN does have a “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. This is a plan agreed to by UN member states in 2015 which includes 17 global goals to do things like reduce inequality, end world hunger and ensure access to clean energy for all. The UN spokesperson also pointed Full Fact to the organisation’s “Summit of the Future” document which covers sustainable development, climate change and human rights, amongst other things. But the proposals set out in these documents are not the same as those listed in the image shared on Facebook, and we have found no mention of any plans for measures such as the “end of nations” or being “microchipped for health, shopping and travel”.

The posts we’ve seen on Facebook are often accompanied with the caption “Starmers [sic] WEF agenda for us”, seemingly confusing the World Economic Forum (WEF)—a foundation headquartered in Switzerland that engages with governments and business leaders on global issues—with the UN. 

We often fact check misleading posts regarding the UN and WEF, and have previously looked at similar claims that the UN plans to create a one-world government or abolish private land ownership.

Although the UN can uphold international law using its courts and tribunals, and approve peacekeeping missions and impose sanctions, amongst other actions, its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development reaffirms “that every State has, and shall freely exercise, full permanent sovereignty over all its wealth, natural resources and economic activity”. 

Claims like these can spread quickly online and be difficult to contain and correct. They can cause unnecessary fear about the future and falsely undermine trust in international organisations. 

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